Breathe smarter, feel better

Airflow is the breathing strip designed for exercise and productivity. Whether you're running a marathon or reading a novel, Airflow is here to make you feel better.

How do Airflow nasal strips work?

Our nose strips have a spring-like band that runs through the middle of them. Once the nose strip is placed on the nose and above the nostrils, the band lifts upward and outward, opening the nasal pathway while staying on due to our high quality adhesive.

Get Airflow
  • Improved Immune Function

    Nasal breathing boosts immune function by filtering out airborne pathogens and allergens through the nasal passages. By ensuring that cleaner, warmer air reaches the lungs, nasal breathing supports the body's natural defenses.

  • Enhanced Nitric Oxide Production

    Nasal breathing naturally increases nitric oxide, helping to keep your blood flowing smoothly and boosting your immune system. This means better heart health and a stronger defense against germs and inflammation.

  • Elevated Sleep Quality

    Nasal breathing provides a smoother, quieter airflow compared to mouth breathing, significantly reducing snoring and the likelihood of sleep disruptions. Our nasal strips help keep airways clear, ensuring you experience deeper, more restful sleep and wake up refreshed.